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The other day I needed to upload a screen recording to report a bug1. Here’s how I produced a compressed GIF.

  1. Record the screen with the macOS built-in screen capture: ⌘⇧5
  2. Rename/copy the screen recording to input.mov
  3. ffmpeg -i input.mov -vf "scale=1470:956,fps=10" -pix_fmt rgb8 output1.gif
  4. gifsicle -O3 output1.gif -o output2.gif

The output doesn’t look great but you can still tell what’s going on. Most importantly, the 20–25 second capture was reduced to ~2 MB.

In the future, I can improve this method by making the scaling more flexible. For example, it would be nice if it could scale to be 2x smaller, regardless of the original aspect ratio.