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It had been almost a year since my last post, so I forgot how to update my blog. Oops.

Here’s how I did it this time around.

  1. Draft the content of the blog post in Obsidian (my preferred Markdown editor)
  2. Copy a blog post template file from _posts/example-posts
  3. Copy in the contents
  4. Preview the the contents with bundle exec jekyll serve

To run bundle exec jekyll serve, I had to install Ruby and set up the project first.

  1. Install rbenv for managing Ruby versions
    1. Install with Homebrew: brew install rbenv
    2. Set up rbenv in my shell by adding eval "$(rbenv init -)" to my .zshrc file
  2. Install the latest version of Ruby
    1. Check available versions with rbenv install -l
    2. Install with rbenv install <ver>
    3. Set to be the global version (unless I have other Ruby environments) with rbenv global <ver>
  3. Install Bundler: gem install bundler
  4. Then finally, bundle install

After making sure the post looks good, I just merge and push.